The Question: What if my only job, my obligation, is to be joyful?
What would I do with my mind?
How would I spend my time?
Who would fill my days?
Which feelings would I amplify?
What would I do with pain, mine and others?
How would I understand the world, it’s beauty and it's struggle? The injustice and imbalance?
What would I feel, physically?
How would I understand happiness?
What would I share, and how would I share it?
How would I start and end my days?
The Answer: I would dance and be full of music. I would really know people, and myself. I would stretch. I would eat delicious things. I would read. I would laugh from the depths of myself, find things that amuse me and delight in them. I would soak up wondrous art and marvelous words. I would choose the things that are good for me, and want them, both now and in the future. I would seek the extended joy over the fleeting pleasure. I would forgive myself and others because I would know we are all doing our best. I would make time to heal past hurt. I would take my time. I would live in vulnerability because that’s where the deepness of life resides. I would feel love, be love and be loved, everyday. Kindness would be my default.
I would know that the more open I am, the more I bruised i will get. And that this is what will make my life beautiful and rich.